Customised Coating Platform

Biomaterials and bioengineering expertise

SPARTHA Medical’s platform is built around natural polymers based technology.

Our multifunctional coatings with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties allow us to offer a wide range of services. Using an arsenal of biopolymers, coating application technologies and AI, we develop specific coatings according to your needs.

1. Feasibility

Bibliography Definition of problems Identification of required experiments Design of experiments and coatings Proof of concept Standard Operating Procedure

2. Co-development

Definition of the type of activity Specific experiments for efficacy Regulatory analysis Market analysis Quality control Industrialisation

3. Licensing

Patent analysis Technology transfer / production transfer Definition and provision of subcontracting

Assesses your needs, the scope of the project and carry out preliminary tests.
Our technology has been validated on different materials (silicone, textile, metal, titanium)

  • Client needs
  • Various material
  • Specific tests
  • Scoping

We help manufacturers increase their competitiveness and revenue by integraring the best properties into their products.
We develop the optimal coatings for our clients with our experience in biomaterials and bioengineering research.

  • Multifunctional & customised coatings
  • Inclusion of demanded properties
  • Easy / Low cost / Eco-friendly production and industrialisation
  • Customisable for each geometry & material type

Partnerships-born innovations will enable our customers to increase their market share through licensing.

  • The development of innovative products
  • New intellectual / industrial property 
  • Long-term relationships 
  • Mutual beneficial activities

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