Antiviral and antimicrobial spray

SPARTHA Medical is developping an innovative solution which is an antiviral and antimicrobial spray. Completely free of alcohol and chlorine derivatives, it is a promising alternative to hydroalcoholic gels. It is a biocide, antiviral and antimicrobial spray that has the effect of desactivating SARS-CoV-2 and preventing it from infecting cells.

This involves covering the implant with the product to form a protective layer, like an invisible shield, against which any bacteria die.

What you need to know about disinfectant sprays on the market

Antiviral and antibacterial sprays can be useful in reducing the transmission of certain contagious diseases, such as respiratory infections and influenza. They can also help prevent bacterial infection of the skin and mucous membranes. However, it is important to note that excessive use of antimicrobial products can lead to antimicrobial resistance and make infections more difficult to treat.

SPARTHA Medical’s innovation is unequalled because it has an antibacterial effect without the use of antibiotics.
It is based on natural polymers, which makes it biocompatible, and is applicable to all types of surfaces. The spray is based on components of natural origin and protects from bacterial infections, including antibiotic resistant strains, without affecting their primary function.

In concrete terms, this involves covering the implant or the surface with the product to form a protective layer, like an invisible shield, against which any bacteria die.

"Unlike a traditional disinfectant, the product we are developing is biodegradable and biocompatible. It just kills bacteria and inactivates viruses, without attacking human cells.”
Dr Nihal Engin Vrana
CEO of SPARTHA Medical
SPARTHA Medical supports the Sustainable Development Goals


With an action against bacteria and viruses, our technology can have an impact on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3.2.1: Under-five mortality rate; and 3.2.2: Neonatal mortality rate. In the period 2000-2003, pneumonia was responsible for 19% of deaths in children under-five.
Over the period 2000-2016, 15% of newborn deaths worldwide were due to sepsis or meningitis.

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