Prevention is Key: A Simple Step to Better Health

At the end of each year, the months of October and November are marked by two major awareness campaigns: Pink October and Movember. These initiatives aim to draw attention to breast cancer and male diseases such as prostate cancer and mental health disorders. In addition to raising awareness, these events also help to raise funds and promote research related to these issues. 

This year, for the first time, Spartha Medical is making an official commitment to these two international events by offering awareness-raising workshops to its employees. 

The Purpose and Impact of These Health Campaigns

Breast cancer affects millions of women worldwide and one in eight women will be affected by it in her lifetime. It is the most common cancer among women in France, and the leading cause of death among women. Nevertheless, if detected early, it can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases. 

Early screening allows abnormalities to be detected before they become symptomatic. Regular mammograms are recommended for women over 50, but it’s also crucial to remain vigilant at all ages. 


Movember, a contraction of “moustache” and “November”, gives visibility to men’s health issues. The event raises awareness of prostate and testicular cancers, in response to the finding that, on average, men undergo fewer cancer screenings than women. Movember also aims to lift the taboo on men’s mental health problems, such as depression and suicide. 

Spartha’s Participation in Pink October

Inviting Spartha Medical’s staff to take part in these workshops is in line with its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) commitments and its desire to put health, prevention and well-being at the heart of its actions. 


These workshops, organised and led by Medisur, were a privileged moment of sharing and learning from a health professional.  

For Pink October, the workshop began with an information session on the anatomy of the breast, as well as how to correctly perform its self-examination. The employees were then able to put this learning directly into practice and carry out the self-examination independently. 

In the Movember workshop, employees began with a presentation of the male reproductive system, followed by an introduction to PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) testing to detect the proper functioning of the prostate, as well as the gestures required for testicular self-examination. 

Both workshops included time for discussion and questions. 

Taking Proactive Steps for Better Health

Spartha Medical’s commitment to these campaigns reflects its dedication to promoting health and well-being, as well as highlighting the importance of prevention in the onset of all pathologies. 

By participating in Pink October and Movember, the aim is not only to inform and educate, but also to inspire others to take proactive steps for their health. 

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