In 2013, the Biomaterials and Bioengineering Laboratory of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm UMR 1121), co-directed by our CSO, Dr. Philippe Lavalle, discovered the antimicrobial properties of the anti-inflammatory coatings we were working on. Between 2016 and 2018, we worked to develop our technology with the support of SATT Conectus .

In 2019, our CEO, Dr. Nihal Engin Vrana, together with 2 collaborators, Dr. Philippe Lavalle and Dr. Angela Mutschler created SPARTHA Medical and were then incubated at SEMIA

End of 2021Spartha Medical obtained CIR accreditation for research and development (R&D) after scientific and technical expertise. 

Spartha has been laureate of the EIC Accelerator. This grant aims to help to deploy our innovation and start clinical evaluations. The project is called SPARTHACUS.

5 years of SPARTHA Medical
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Spartha supports the Sustainable Development Goals.


nihal engin vrana founder CEO Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Nihal Engin Vrana
Strategy/Partnering Commercialisation

philippe lavalle Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Philippe Lavalle

Scientific Advisory Board

Strategic Advisory Board

Pierre Schaff Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Prof. Pierre Schaaf

University of Strasbourg

Co-inventor, Surface chemistry Expert

amir ghaemmaghami Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Prof. Ghaemmaghami

University of Nottingham

Clinical Immunology Expert

florent meyer Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Prof. Florent Meyer

Dean of the Strasbourg Dental Faculty

Periodontal Surgeon

severine sigrist team pdf presentation brief elevator speech Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Severine Sigrist

C-level manager

Class III Medical device developper \ Reglementation

guillaume vetter genoud team pdf presentation brief elevator speech Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Guillaume Vetter Genoud

Director of Quest for Health


agnes dupret bories photo black and white team pdf presentation brief elevator speech Spartha Medical Device Strasbourg Alsace Innovation startup Coatings Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Personalised Implants Nosocomial Infections Antibiotic substitutes peri-implantitis infected wound care hospital surgery

Prof. Agnès Dupret-Bories

Chief Surgeon at Toulouse University Hospital

Clinical trials



Research Unit UMR S1110

Institute for Research on Viral and Hepatic Diseases